You don’t have to write your novel in sequence.
I know of at least one writer who doesn’t know what order scenes will be in when she first writes them. Once she has a bunch of chapters, she sits on the floor and arranges them. Then she writes transitions to make them fit together.
If this sounds crazy, don’t do it.
But if you get exciting ideas about a fight, or a meet cute, or a cat-and-mouse sequence, go ahead and write it and figure out where it goes later.
I move chapters back and forth in the chronology of my novels all the time. And because I know this will happen, I often jump ahead in the story to write what I think will be a pivotal scene.
This gives me something to write toward. And that builds momentum.
If your creative mind throws up a brilliant scene (or fragment of scene), write it. Your creative mind will then happily fill in the gaps.
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